

A past present posting with some daily currency!


October 23nd / Today Post

Two drawings: present end and past present beginning interchangeable

October 21st / Todays Post

Sidewalk (plus iPhone) weather

October 15th / Todays Posts

New drawings, same process.

October 9th / Todays Post

A drawing and a collage/drawing, somehow relatable

October 7th / Todays Post

And continued: carefully worked out drawings continuing themselves.

September 27th / Todays Post

Another decorative and slightly askew portal to squeeze through (or is it out of ?)

September 18th / Todays Post

Archive: two drawings from a 2013 sketchbook

September 15th Todays Post

WorkReworkWork collage: possible zine page

September 12th / Todays Post

Two drawings: one titled Ellipse and other Eclipse

September 7th / Todays Post

A new drawing and an old photograph with no certain relationship

September 4th / Todays Post

A rough but finished small (8 by 10 inches in size) pencil drawing that could be a large refined yet sketchy oil painting

September 2nd / Todays Post

2024/Labor Day/End of Summer: archive page from a 2007 sketchbook and, from the same year, a backyard color Polaroid.

August 25th / Todays Post

Archive: 2005 drawing of the perfect scribble.

August 24th / Todays Post

Heads up: a drawing, a collage, and a photograph.

August 17th / Todays Post

“Just sayin’…”:

August 15th / Todays Post

Open pattern drawing and landscape pattern drawing

August 11th / Todays Post

Page in Sketchbook #178, 2024: color pencil drawing in two parts.

August 5th / Todays Post

Night walk; black and white photographs,

August 4th / Todays post

Two collages twenty years apart: SkBk#178, 2024 and SkBk#80, 2004

July 25th / Todays Post

Two images: one a strange impossibility up in the sky drawing, the other a strange possibility down in the ground drawing/collage.

July 20th / Todays Post

Collage page: a work/rework/work in turn reworked. Sketchbook #178, 2024

July 17th / Todays Post

Drawings: another my version decorative portals or decorative garlands or decorative letterforms or. . .decorative whatevers.

July 13th / Todays Post

Archive: two pages from a 56 page sketchbook, #114, 2011. One is simply an image and the other is a potential image.

July 12th / Todays Post

Collage/drawing, found as is: end paper in a cira 1920s book. Looks like a child’s drawing and something pasted on and torn off. Couldn’t have done better myself !