September 30th / Todays post
Collage made from an advertisement in a 1940 magazine: All brush stroke lines in the illustration were cut-out and rearranged as abstract drawings on a seemingly narrative grid format, 11 x 14 inches, 2017
Same for this one, other than a cartoon illustration was used, both by the way, from Esquire Magazines. The remarkable thing is, you can take the lines out of the 1940’s, but you can’t take the 1940’s out of the lines !
September 28th / Todays Post(s)
Americana photographs: a sequence of digital photos converted to B&W.
September 27th / Todays Post
Untitled (or make up a nebulous naming of your own) drawing with collage, 2017
September 25th / Todays Post
A current work titled: “An incomplete drawing drawing on Art Deco” China markers, rubbing, and turpentine on glossy paper, 2017 An aesthetic spectre that still haunts us ? No.
September 12th / Todays Post(s)
Two photographs with no exact dates other than their age and subjects. And a particularly wonderful aesthetic notability hard to pass up as a point of view or “A Vista”
September 9th / Todays post
20×20 Posters For Peace Exhibition, Tehran+Oklahoma, Sept 7-20 2017. Includes my 28 x 40 digital print poster, “At Peace: Hubris hushed up”
September 8th / Todays Post
A murky drawing with floaty collage bits combined in a carefully structured composition to make a compilation of no real intent, other than formal aesthetic play. Enjoy or poo-poo. 2017
September 4th / Todays Post
” Morro Bay Boatyard ” ” Oil Workers Sign on Union Hall in Taft, California ”
August 29th / Todays Post(s)
2 sketch book pages, 22 years apart. 1995 and 2017, still less than more comprehensible.
August 28th / Todays Post(s)
2 large silkscreen posters for LA Machine Projects projects, 2012 and 2015
August 17th / Todays Post(s)
2 Xerox prints from the mid-1970s. Xerox’s of 40 years ago had a grainy gray quality that was ideal for hand coloring with Prismacolor pencils. A title, a signature, and a date made each one into a little mono-print. In the “Tools of the Trade” print, the lines fore and aft are from each tool depicted, including cuts for the X-Acto knife and dried adhesive from the glue stick. Also in the grouping is an early Pentel Pen, and the ubiquitous, all purpose Rapidograph Pen
August 1st / Todays Post
The dean of so many great Detroit photographers: +Bill Rauhauser 1914-2017+ An exhibition poster we did in the early 80’s, using his photo of his camera, tilting it on a angle and incorporating it’s little arrows and tic marks into my then current “connotative typography” practice. This was also the reason for the mix of bold and medium letters within the words and blocks of words, meant to reflect the idea that a photographic likeness is composed of the grouping of lighter and darker shapes and forms into a fixed order necessary to make it a “readable” image.
July 27th / Todays Post(s)
Found child’s drawings, circa 1920 (?) “Clang” “Fire Fire”
“Help” “You now him So do I now him” “Sh. Sp. Cos.” Text and image: pure poetry and perfect compositions !
July 12th / Todays Post(s)
2 recent “collaged” drawings with fairly plain formal and textured moves and vaguely suggestive “circusy” meanings.
July 7th / Todays Post(s)
Some current small sketch book pages, 2 different 4 color ball point pens plus 3 colored pencils.