

A past present posting with some daily currency!


August 17th / Todays Post

The sidewalk sideway face that stopped the passing parade.

August 16th / Todays Post

Two consecutive drawings: one drawn with my color pencils and the other a collage made from cut up, rearranged bits and pieces, of a found child’s drawing.

August 12th / Todays Post

Collage with drawing and drawing collage

August 7th / Todays Post

A drawing and a drawing/collage, one day apart and in the purple, 2023

August 1st / Todays Post

Same drawing, two stages: the first (top) is when I probably should have stopped, signed it, scanned it, and filed it away into my binder of completed drawings. But then, unsure, I continued with some additions and turned it the other way round to this, now the final version (below). Maybe sometimes quit while you’re ahead ?

July 29th / Todays Post

A new collage added to my continued combining of found at-large printed elements and paper scraps with my own at-hoc marks and drawings.

July 26th / Todays Post

Three consecutive collages from Sketchbook#174 2023 : while the top one possibly depicts two bozos (or bears) confounded by the Gods, the other two are guess as catch can.

July 22nd / Todays Post

My own filigree everywhichway.

July 20th / Todays Post

An array, arrangement, alignment of parts, forms, pieces in a space, ground, field: drawing on paper.

July 16th / Todays Post

Some collage landscapes from a 2010 sketchbook

July 7th / Todays Post

Four pages from a 28 page sketchbook (#168) 2022-23, with variations on a similar form in each of them.

July 4th / Todays post

July 4th on the way to Labor Day through the Summer of 2023

July 1st / Todays Post

Today’s drawing

June 26th / Todays Post

First two pages of new (#173) sketch book: collage/drawings

June 25th / Todays Post

Two atypical drawings on a minimalist silly side.

June 21st / Todays Post

Summer Solstice: short night long day

June 18th / Todays Post

Two consecutive drawings

June 17th / Todays Post

The aboveground, the ground, the underground: collage as drawing, or drawing as collage(ing) with drawing(s)

June 16th / Todays Post

Today is Bloomsday. Yes.

June 14th / Todays Post

Flag Day 2023

June 12th / todays Post

Look! found in the dark bottom depths of that vast Sea of Drawings, a glittering of little drawn flitterings

June11th / Todays Post

Heavily textured lettering background photos.

June 8th / Todays Post

Two collages: the kind designers make. Well ordered, tightly composed, almost meaningful.

June 5th / Todays Post

Collage narrative: art(?) history(?) poetics(?) psychology(?) none(?) or vanity(?)