Back with the eye candy
Back with the eye candy
More California rainy day photos: look up, look down.
Collages. Rearranged image from a Sunday NYTimes insert, and below, the same from the May 2, 1912, Chatterbox Weekly, a British publication for young people.
Be mine. . . Happy 2024 Valentine !
A collage/drawing deliberately constructed to have a strangely gawky quality.
From the dry of rain the ghosts remain: poetic chatter for two California after storm photographs.
Page 6 from Sketchbook #76, 5 x 8 inches, 75 pages, 2003. Seems more relevant now than some 20 years ago when it was only a silly drawing. Or was it always so ?
Two days, two drawings.
Two posters (22″x 33″) done in 2023: Top, Iranian women protest movement (Woman.Life.Freedom.) for forthcoming exhibition in New York. Bottom, AGI (Alliance Graphic International) Korero (means ‘conversation’ in Maori) special project conference exhibit in Auckland, New Zealand.
Current drawings continuous with current concerns.