Two archive images as a pairing: collage/drawings
Two archive images as a pairing: collage/drawings
A thicket of decorativeness preceded by a swarm of same
All Saints Day/All Souls Day
Have a happy and scary Halloween 2023. I can do cute and or I can do dour thanks to iPhoto and Keynote.
“Don Quixote goes to a Halloween party as H P Lovecraft” collage/drawing.
Collage and drawing, both today
Two adjacent drawings that are, in terms of intent and semblance, ten years apart, 2013 and 2023. In this trajectory, today’s iteration certainly seems more junked up, lacking the older one’s surety. Regression or progression ?!
Two consecutive drawings, different in tone, similar in structure
Two new drawings with new set of pencils with lots of additional colors
Quite a leap or just a tip toe ? Two collages: one today, using (my) 1970s material, and the other from 1985, but using 1950s material.