Two collages: the kind designers make. Well ordered, tightly composed, almost meaningful.
Two collages: the kind designers make. Well ordered, tightly composed, almost meaningful.
Collage narrative: art(?) history(?) poetics(?) psychology(?) none(?) or vanity(?)
An oddly complex mishmash makes for another way of drawing as an artist for a graphic designer.
Drawing as such. On the other hand, drawing as what ?
The Summer Season: a start.
Memorial Day 2023
CalArts Graduation 2023. What’s left is congratulatory and bittersweet.
Top collage (from my material) today, 2023 and below collage, thirty years ago, 1993
Two collages: one, an unconventional drawing/collage and the other, a conventional collage/collage. Formal compositions: the first suggesting outside (somewhere or other) the second inside (someplace or other) That’s what collages are good at. . . .
This Mayday !