

A past present posting with some daily currency!

June 14th / Todays Post

Flag Day 2023

June 12th / todays Post

Look! found in the dark bottom depths of that vast Sea of Drawings, a glittering of little drawn flitterings

June11th / Todays Post

Heavily textured lettering background photos.

June 8th / Todays Post

Two collages: the kind designers make. Well ordered, tightly composed, almost meaningful.

June 5th / Todays Post

Collage narrative: art(?) history(?) poetics(?) psychology(?) none(?) or vanity(?)

June 3rd / Todays Post

An oddly complex mishmash makes for another way of drawing as an artist for a graphic designer.

June 2nd / Todays Post

Drawing as such. On the other hand, drawing as what ?

June 1st / Todays Post

The Summer Season: a start.

May 29 / Todays Post

Memorial Day 2023

May 12th / Todays Post

CalArts Graduation 2023. What’s left is congratulatory and bittersweet.