

A past present posting with some daily currency!

February 21st / Today Post

Two drawings: space junk in paper

February 17th / Todays Post

One drawing in two parts of the same subject of impossible place.

February 15th / Todays Post

Drawing: My Art Monster Out Stalking Your Attention

February 14th / Todays Post

2023 Valentines Day. From the archive: the slickest, most professional photograph I ever inadvertently took, all thanks to iPhone / iPhoto back in 2013 !

February 12th / Todays Post

Two window photographs

February 9th / Todays Post

Drawing: contraption in the sky above compacted landscape conceivably alien

Drawing: landscape/townscape/skyscape

February 7th Todays Post

A graphic designer’s collage

February 3rd / Todays Post

A new drawing , 8 x 10 1/2 inches

February 1st / Todays Post

A series of black and white collages using historical photo reproductions: an interest I’ve had for many decades as a way of reworking a look at the past, along with my continuing exploration in purely formal abstraction.

January 31st / Todays Post

Archive 2016. Two pages from a sketchbook that seem to formally, if not thematically relate, one a drawing and the other a drawing with collage and text.