

A past present posting with some daily currency!

October 1st / Todays Post

Two slick, but cliche letterform collages made in an easy rut surprising even to me!

September 29th / Todays Post

A questionable representational drawing

Sepyember 27th / Todays Post

Recent similar sketchbook collages that increase in clarity.

September 26th / Todays Post

Two similar drawings.

September 23rd / Todays Post

2022 Fall: a reticent acknowledgment.

September 22nd / Todays Post

A current sketch book collage/drawing and a drawing/drawing, 2022

September 17th / Todays Posts

1980: A selection from a Detroit arts organization photo project comprised of posters that could be used to fill the empty advertising spaces inside city buses. My contribution consisted of large (11×14) hand colored Xeroxes of snapshots taken at local uptown weekend gatherings in the small town of Birmingham (part of the Detroit metro area). The first two images have my own kids (the two girls) in them.

September 10th / Todays Posts

Heads Up: and 9 other drawings from a 2012, black and white, six and a half square, 107 page, sketch book. More to come from my compare and contrast decade old work.

September 7th / Todays posts

A series of recent drawings with somewhat silly form shapes. 2022

September 5th / Todays Post

Labor Day 2022

Thinking it’s time to add AI to the laboring (me included) masses, I decided on employing a bit of AI myself. Giving it the prompt “Art Deco lettering of the word edfella” this, after laboring mightily, is the best it could come up with ! But on the other hand, the weirdly unique style that resulted is certainly a portent of what is to come. Imagine us sentient beings diving into those AI return “prompts” !