

A past present posting with some daily currency!

September 10th / Todays Posts

Heads Up: and 9 other drawings from a 2012, black and white, six and a half square, 107 page, sketch book. More to come from my compare and contrast decade old work.

September 7th / Todays posts

A series of recent drawings with somewhat silly form shapes. 2022

September 5th / Todays Post

Labor Day 2022

Thinking it’s time to add AI to the laboring (me included) masses, I decided on employing a bit of AI myself. Giving it the prompt “Art Deco lettering of the word edfella” this, after laboring mightily, is the best it could come up with ! But on the other hand, the weirdly unique style that resulted is certainly a portent of what is to come. Imagine us sentient beings diving into those AI return “prompts” !

September 2nd / Todays Post

Drawing: more complexity and a bit of grunge. 2022

August 27th / Todays Post

Two photographs: two darknesses.

August 26th / Todays Post

More recent drawings in and of parts, 2022

August 25th / Todays Post

Drawing: Of some sort of something grounded, 2022

August 12th / Todays Post

Sketch book page which has nothing to do with being done on an Amtrak cross country train between Chicago and Los Angeles in 2007, but a lot more to do with the country in 2022

August 10th

Summer drawing

July 31st / Todays Post

Form: a puzzlingly gorgeous restaurant table top photograph