Everywhichway drawing, 2022
Everywhichway drawing, 2022
In both senses, happy May Day with a found detail on a discarded paint palette cart from the art school at CalArts, 2022
Cover (front and back) and spreads of a bond paper, 8 1/2 by 11, laser printed Zine. Titled, “Ed Fella: Work Rework Work, 2022, (an edfellazine #)
Recent collages of a couple of pedestrians (?) made from unused street material gathered from Brooklyn and New York walls back in 2007
Easter Sunday to Easter Monday. Valencia California, 2022
April no one’s Fooled day nonsensically posted with a foolishly foppish image
Two images that happen to be seen as photographs, but could as well have previously been drawn or painted. Regardless of their original context, they also now have a familial relationship reminiscent of surfaces because of my edited juxtaposition.
St Patrick’s Day 2022
Two drawings. Two landscapes with spooky forebodings, weather worry or war wary, threatened from without or within or vice versa ?
Ongoing letterforms past functioning photographed photos.