Last 5 pages of Sketch Book Number 164, 2020-21
Last 5 pages of Sketch Book Number 164, 2020-21
First two pages of new Sketch Book Number 166, Drawing collage drawing, 2021
Current drawing: a study (among other things) in precariously balanced shape, texture, and hue within a page, Prismacolor pencils and ellipse guides. But in the end the even if only evocatory “other things” might be more interesting.
2016 sketch book pages, one a drawing and the other a collage, both knotty, yet possibly explicable on some obtuse level of the parodic; something I had in mind that never quite surfaced ?
A very small ( six and a half inch square’) very minimalist drawing on a very dark piece of paper, 2021
Black and white (cool grays) Prismacolor pencil drawing, 8 x 10″ 2021
Two recent sketch book collages, 2021
Transition between Summer and Autumn via a collage and a photo
Two recent 11×16″ black and white drawings
Current small collages on cutup glossy magazine images, using bits from a cheap paperback 1966 childern’s book.