Crazy quilt old-timey collage using pictorial matter cut from what are now mostly obsolete black and white printed art and antiques books, 2020
Crazy quilt old-timey collage using pictorial matter cut from what are now mostly obsolete black and white printed art and antiques books, 2020
A drawing should speak for itself, this one won’t, it’s perplexed, 2020
This drawing does speak, but only because after I finished it, it told me what to say, so I captioned it. 2020
Black and white drawings with gray, a color without color, but not without the possibility of conveying contrived metaphors. 2020
First October surprise on the first day of October, collage with drawing, 2020
See below or behind. Same applies. Different upshot.
A sketch book page from 2019, with a drawing that, in retrospect, seems peculiarly composed in it’s parts, to make a particularly balanced whole.
Hopefully just a drawing, and of not a portent, 2020
Some color fullness lettering: embroidered T-shirt logo for FISK Projects (Portland OR) and card for granddaughter’s 14th birthday
Two new collages using old material, 2020
Photographed, cropped, edited, and named a “found abstract-expressionist out of time painting.”