Two images: one a strange impossibility up in the sky drawing, the other a strange possibility down in the ground drawing/collage.
Two images: one a strange impossibility up in the sky drawing, the other a strange possibility down in the ground drawing/collage.
Collage page: a work/rework/work in turn reworked. Sketchbook #178, 2024
Drawings: another my version decorative portals or decorative garlands or decorative letterforms or. . .decorative whatevers.
Archive: two pages from a 56 page sketchbook, #114, 2011. One is simply an image and the other is a potential image.
Collage/drawing, found as is: end paper in a cira 1920s book. Looks like a child’s drawing and something pasted on and torn off. Couldn’t have done better myself !
Have it both ways drawing: upside or downside.
Two collage drawings made with cutup drawings
Recent drawing from a drawer of organized unrecognized stuff
248 20 24 4th
Familiar drawing: strange object in a strange world